Thursday, August 29, 2013

200 Facebook Fans!

I'm so exiting & happy!!!... Thanks to all that are following me and like my designs!. This things motivate me to make designs to surprise you!.
And specially to my fan # 200 that I will do a surprise for her!. 

** Estoy muy emocionada & feliz!!!... Gracias a tod@s por seguirme y por gustarles mis diseños!. Esto hace que me motive para hacer diseños que l@s sorprendan!.
Y especialmente a mi fan # 200 que hare una sorpresa para ella!.  **


  1. I couldn't find your email address but I have nominated you for the Liebster award!

    1. Hi Vick, my email is
      Thanks so much for nominated me!. But could you tell me how that works?. I read little bit but I would like to know what is the process. =)
      I already sent you an email!.
